Saturday 21 December 2013

christmas and my secret cookie recipe

Hey guys!! 

Oh wow it took me now 7 weeks to finally write another blogpost…
I had to do quite a lot for school and I just couldn’t find the time to sit down and write something.
But now I’m having Christmas holidays and lots of time, so yeah…
I can’t believe that there are only 4 days left to Christmas. It feels like December just faded away.
This will be my first Christmas in the UK and I am really excited for it. It’s amazing how much everything changes during the festive season. I’ve been in the centre of London a couple of times recently to do Christmas shopping and …wow! My favorite street is Regent Street and I love walking down it with all the Christmas-lights and the music and the christmassy smell ….
I’m also looking forward to the time after Christmas and New Year’s Eve!
Wow... another year is nearly completed. I have to say it wasn’t the easiest. I’ve moved to London this summer and I often felt confused and unsure about life. However, Christmas is the time to be happy, isn’t it? 

So... As you’ve probably noticed from the title, I’m going to share a little Christmas cookie recipe with you in this post! Yesterday I felt like baking something and this is what turned out. I totally created this myself and I’m really surprised by the taste of these cookies!! If you are a chocolate-lover like me and if you’d like to bake something delicious for Christmas than you should definitely try and make them. I promise you: they taste amazing!!

So here is what you need (for about 25 cookies):
  • 2 egg whites
  • 150g icing sugar
  • 150g ground almonds
  • 1 small pot of clotted cream (only if you want the cookies to be chewy)
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate
  • 0,5 bar of milk chocolate
  1. Beat the egg whites until stiff
  2. Grate the chocolate
  3. Mix the ingredients together   
  4. Put small heaps of dough on an oiled baking paper
  5. Put it into the oven for 20 minutes at 150
…and that’s it! Enjoy! :)

As this will probably be my last post this year, I’m wishing you all an wonderful Christmas and new year! See you in 2014!! 

XOXO Francey